World Star Soccer League 2023
Top Football Manager 2024
Be A Legend: Soccer Champions
Soccer Star 24 Super Football
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World Star Soccer League 2023 Top Football Manager 2024 Be A Legend: Soccer Champions Soccer Star 24 Super Football
Country Downloads Revenues Downloads Revenues Downloads Revenues Downloads Revenues
Brazil - - 52,239 $1,695 - - 60,992 $237
Egypt - - 45,766 $14 - - 7,518 $30
India - - 19,741 $20 - - 10,872 $35
Russian Federation - - 19,477 $0 - - - -
Indonesia - - 17,032 $2,876 - - 0 $1,098
Viet Nam - - 14,596 $730 - - - -
Thailand - - 13,703 $2,107 - - - -
Nigeria - - 11,688 $685 - - - -
Turkey - - 11,117 $5,388 - - 0 $93
United States - - 10,643 $11,105 - - 13,444 $0
Spain - - 9,896 $1,482 - - 9,809 $1,528
Peru - - 9,816 $15 - - 4,023 $56
France - - 7,938 $11,091 - - 13,399 $3,184
Colombia - - 6,916 $18 - - 8,108 $24
Kenya - - 6,346 $0 - - 1,095 $0
Mexico - - 6,335 $0 - - 11,136 $0
South Africa - - 5,894 $124 - - 1,991 $166
United Kingdom - - 4,622 $14,982 - - 8,482 $1,341
Japan - - 4,105 $249 - - 5,078 $65
Singapore - - 3,223 $1,526 - - 3,417 $815
Ecuador - - 2,886 $3 - - 2,700 $43
Venezuela - - 2,214 $8 - - 1,093 $0
Netherlands - - 2,171 $1,839 - - 3,068 $1,902
Poland - - 1,465 $4,097 - - - -
Romania - - 1,459 $700 - - 1,450 $92
Hong Kong - - 973 $951 - - 619 $56
Australia - - 806 $10 - - 1,755 $135
Malaysia - - 750 $1,528 - - - -
Hungary - - 524 $41 - - 1,257 $40
Switzerland - - 477 $389 - - 990 $128
Canada - - 453 $40 - - 888 $230
Portugal - - 449 $252 - - 5,925 $144
Norway - - 373 $342 - - 575 $70
Ireland - - 227 $232 - - 2,028 $58
Sweden - - 0 $219 - - 617 $431
Austria - - 0 $736 - - 649 $598
Belgium - - 0 $1,495 - - 1,854 $524
Uruguay - - 0 $32 - - 253 $20
Czech Republic - - 0 $21 - - 0 $427
Germany - - 0 $14,095 - - 4,734 $6,441
Denmark - - 0 $1,582 - - 3,595 $1,211
Saudi Arabia - - 0 $102 - - 2,968 $0
Finland - - 0 $805 - - 0 $40
Israel - - 0 $1,152 - - 791 $441
Italy - - 0 $18,942 - - 7,112 $0
Korea - - - - - - 1,713 $18
Chile - - - - - - 1,677 $8,431

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