Wish: Shop and Save
Alibaba.com - B2B marketplace
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Wish: Shop and Save Alibaba.com - B2B marketplace
Country Downloads Revenues Downloads Revenues
United States 143,680 $0 467,150 $0
Brazil 133,302 $0 403,957 $0
South Africa 26,301 $0 46,128 $0
Mexico 20,429 $0 376,608 $0
Peru 18,720 $0 117,081 $0
United Kingdom 14,085 $0 72,263 $0
Spain 10,785 $0 92,324 $0
Chile 10,313 $0 58,339 $0
Canada 7,597 $0 30,436 $0
Colombia 7,245 $0 77,892 $0
Australia 6,755 $0 34,519 $0
France 6,320 $0 93,942 $0
Norway 4,616 $0 9,856 $0
Hungary 4,381 $0 9,678 $0
Romania 3,990 $0 17,827 $0
Israel 3,779 $0 22,251 $0
Switzerland 3,631 $0 5,879 $0
Singapore 3,371 $0 11,451 $0
Netherlands 2,278 $0 24,823 $0
Portugal 2,212 $0 10,280 $0
Ireland 1,556 $0 5,691 $0
New Zealand 1,526 $0 6,251 $0
Hong Kong 982 $0 8,552 $0
Sweden 809 $0 5,527 $0
Japan 779 $0 10,720 $0
Finland 698 $0 4,130 $0
Denmark 156 $0 5,055 $0
Indonesia - - 449,862 $0
India - - 364,829 $0
Venezuela - - 304,924 $0
Pakistan - - 265,348 $0
Viet Nam - - 205,171 $0
Egypt - - 195,873 $0
Turkey - - 161,035 $0
Thailand - - 126,603 $0
Ecuador - - 115,540 $0
Philippines - - 115,011 $0
Nigeria - - 111,325 $0
Kenya - - 94,734 $0
Malaysia - - 87,587 $0
Saudi Arabia - - 80,936 $0
Sri Lanka - - 71,860 $0
Korea - - 67,330 $0
Germany - - 59,670 $0
Italy - - 56,622 $0
Russian Federation - - 46,726 $0
United Arab Emirates - - 44,809 $0
Uruguay - - 14,004 $0
Belgium - - 9,919 $0
Poland - - 8,454 $0
Taiwan - - 7,214 $0
Czech Republic - - 5,936 $0
Austria - - 5,633 $0

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